Thursday, July 10, 2008

What the Heck Is Paleolithic Diet?

There’s always a first time for everything, learning about effective diet is not exceptional. The question in today’s Weight loss Tips - reiVRE Hot Pulse is – "What the heck is Paleolithic diet?"

The Paleolithic Diet:

From a careful study of various races and ethnicities across the world, we know that there are some races that are relatively healthier than others. These races have probably not been touched by lifestyle conditions like diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension and the like. This fact has led certain people to believe that there are certain aspects of their diet that helps in healthier living.

The Paleolithic diet is also known by various other names such as the ‘Stone Age diet’, ‘Cave Man diet’, ‘Paleo diet’ and ‘Hunter-Gatherer diet’, to name a few. The diet is based on a holistic theory that details all the practices that need to be followed. The basic premise is that as man evolved and participated in the agricultural, industrial and technological revolution, the genetic structure of man did not really keep pace. In other words, the plan suggests that sticking to the diet that was followed by the pre-agricultural man can ensure better health and natural weight loss.

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The diet covers all food components like proteins, carbohydrates, fat, antioxidants and phytosterols. It includes meat, fish, and poultry, along with fruits and plants that are edible in their raw state. The diet does not recommend consuming grains, beans and potatoes because these categories of foods are not edible in their raw state, and therefore it was believed that they were never meant to be consumed by humans in the first place.

Foods like grains, beans and potatoes entered the diet because they could be stored for longer period of time without refrigeration, they were packed with calories, and they could also be used as seeds to sow the next crop, thus making farming easier. Logical as these reasons may sound, they are not linked to the overall capability of man to digest and process these foods.

Over time, there were other foods that got added to the repertoire. These were added when man realized that toxins in some foods could be removed by merely cooking them over heat. Man also started extending the gains that could be extracted from cattle by using dairy products for human consumption. With time, salt, sugar and other additives like coloring and preservatives made their way into our diet. There is therefore no doubt why we people need to detoxify themselves from time to time and take nutrient supplements to stay healthy.

The Paleolithic diet encourages consumption of meat, chicken, fish, fruits, vegetables, and berries, and suggests that salt, sugar, grains, beans, potatoes and dairy products be avoided at all cost. Though the diet does not claim to be a weight loss program, returning to the basics can help you in losing weight naturally. Problems like indigestion, acidity, bloating and other lifestyle-related conditions can all be avoided if you stick to the Paleolithic diet over an extended period of time.

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Friday, July 4, 2008

Exercise and Eating Right are the Best Ways to Lose Weight

There’s always a first time for everything, and wanting to shade some body weight is not exceptional. The question in today’s Weight loss Tips - reiVRE Hot Pulse is – "what is the best way to loss weight?"

Weight Loss” Surgery or Bariatric Surgery

Exercise and eating right are the best ways to lose weight. But many people have tried those methods for years and still can't lose excess weight — weight that can cause serious health problems


Exercise and eating right are the best ways to lose weight. But many people have tried those methods for years and still can't lose excess weight — weight that can cause serious health problems. For people in this frustrating situation, weight loss surgery (bariatric surgery) may be an option. The articles in this website will help you better understand the procedures, determine if you're a good candidate, gain insight on costs, and learn from patients who've had weight loss surgery.

For individuals who have been unable to achieve significant weight loss through diet modifications and exercise programs alone, bariatric surgery may help to attain a more healthy body weight. There are a number of surgical options available to treat obesity, each with their advantages and pitfalls. In general, bariatric surgery is successful in producing (often substantial) weight loss, though one must consider operative risk (including mortality) and side effects before making the decision to pursue this treatment option. Usually, these procedures can be carried out safely.

Gastric bypass surgery

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Weight-loss (bariatric) surgery changes the anatomy of your digestive system to limit the amount of food you can eat and digest. The surgery aids in weight loss and lowers your risk of medical problems associated with obesity.

Gastric bypass is the favoured bariatric surgery in the United States. Surgeons prefer this surgery because it's safer and has fewer complications than other available weight-loss surgeries. It can provide long-term, consistent weight loss if accompanied with ongoing behaviour changes.

Gastric bypass isn't for everyone with obesity, however. It's a major procedure that poses significant risks and side effects and requires permanent changes in your lifestyle. Before deciding to go forward with the surgery, it's important to understand what's involved and what lifestyle changes you must make. In large part, the success of the surgery is up to you.


Individuals considering bariatric surgery must discuss risks and possible benefits with their doctor. Bariatric surgery has associated risks and long-term consequences and should be considered only one part of an approach to treating obesity. Most bariatric surgeons think that the operations work best when they help promote lifelong behavioural and dietary changes. Long-term follow-up with doctors experienced in the care of patients having these procedures, as well as lifelong vitamin supplementation, is essential to avoid life-threatening complications.

How Does Bariatric Surgery Affect The Digestive Process?

Before Surgery

Food is chewed in the mouth, then swallowed, passing through the oesophagus to the stomach, (roughly the size of a melon) where stomach acids dissolve it into smaller particles. The liquid (chyme) then passes into the small intestine where enzymes and bile continue the digestive process. The first section is the duodenum, the shortest section.

After Surgery

During both main types of obesity surgery, the size of the stomach is reduced by up to 90 percent, to the size of an egg or even the size of a thumb. Typically, its capacity is 3-4 tablespoons of food. This stomach reduction drastically reduces the quantity of food which can be consumed in one sitting and speeds up satiety. During bypass surgery, the digestive tract below the stomach is also altered.

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Credit to our contributor today - : Peter Hutch Also Read about Fast and Quick Weight Loss Directory

NB: Also for more valuable information and guideline visit: weight loss motivation

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Monday, June 30, 2008

“Weight Loss Made Easy” Must Read Information

There’s always a first time for everything, and wanting to shade some body weight is not exceptional. The question in today’s Weight loss Tips - reiVRE Hot Pulse is – "Is there an easy way to loss weight?"

“Weight Loss Made Easy” - Must Read Information

For people that need an easy weight loss method, the bad news is that no system is perfect; however, there are a number that are very good and benefit anyone who wants too shed some pounds. There is more harm caused to an overweight person than just pride as many serious medical conditions are as a result of obesity.

There is an abundance of information about easy weight loss methods on the Internet but how many pounds are lost will depend a great deal on the attitude of the user. The reason you want to lose weight is paramount in how successful you will be and if it is because you wish to be healthy then you are more likely to succeed than if it is for someone else's benefit.

Many factors affect how well your weight loss program will go including how much physical activity you have during a normal day, the type of food you eat, how many meals you have and when those meals are eaten. Some people are of the opinion that losing weight quickly is the best way but this often causes other medical problems like heartburn or even anemia and creates unrealistic targets.

Considering that one pound represents 3500 calories which can be burned or lost in a week, it means you need to get rid of 500 calories a day either through exercise or proper diet. Although most people eat far too much junk food, there is nothing wrong with a little now and then, and no-one should have to give up every type of food they enjoy although some thought should be given to how much is consumed.

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Emotions have a great deal to do with weight gain as many people (more likely women but not exclusively) eat more when they feel depressed, unwanted or unloved. The problem is that being overweight is the cause of many life threatening medical conditions including diabetes, heart problems, joint trouble and cancer. Many of the easy weight loss treatments neglect the psychological factor, hence, very few are truly effective, but you have to go beyond planning and find the real cause of a metabolic imbalance.

However, current research is showing that people that do not take weight loss programs too seriously are more likely to have success. This type of attitude is good for a person in all walks of life as it provides the person with a positive mind frame. Most people that loss those extra pounds claim they have more energy and are able to do things that their weight had stopped them from enjoying previously.

Many easy weight loss programs are far from it as they actually test the person using them but the pain barrier does not last long and once through it, the whole system becomes more pleasant.


Credit to our contributor today - : Allen Wang, Wait! You can get 100% Weight Loss Free Report from It reveals the myths of weight loss and some useful tips you can apply immediately. Go and get it right now before we wise up and decide to no longer reveal our secrets!

NB: Also for more valuable information and guideline visit: weight loss motivation

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Friday, June 13, 2008

Seccessful Weight Lose on Holiday Seasons!

There’s always a first time for everything, Losing Weight is not exceptional. The question in today’s Weight loss Tips - reiVRE Hot Pulse is – "How can you survive the holiday without gaining too much weight?"

The weather is cooler and the leaves outside are lovely shades of red and orange. Fall is definitely here, and also well indicated by the changing of displays at your favorite grocer. Boxes of turkey stuffing are stacked in pyramids at every isle, there might be a sign-up sheet to claim a nice, juicy bird for the last week of November, and cans of pumpkin pie filling are taking up more shelf space than usual. The big eating holidays are here, the stores are prepared for the crush, but are you prepared to survive the holidays without gaining too much weight? Don’t forget weight loss secrets.

In the past, it was commonly believed that the average person tended to gain at least five pounds over the holiday season. More recent research refutes this number, claiming that a gain of one pound is more accurate. While that may seem like good news to people looking forward to a Thanksgiving feast, there should still be some cause for concern. As the holidays are a time of familial togetherness, oftentimes such activity is sedentary. Friends and relatives gather at home and typically spend the holidays watching televised parades or football games, with very little time going to physical activity. Thanksgiving leftovers may lead to the prospect of continuous snacking over the long weekends, and while you might not gain a lot of weight in this short time, you may be setting a habit that will stay with you through the end of the year and beyond.

Don't be fooled by statistics, either. Just because research indicates that the average weight gain over the holidays is one pound doesn't you won't gain more than a pound this year. It also doesn't give you license to reach for that third slice of pumpkin pie and think the fat and calories will magically disappear while you watch the big game! Moderation and consideration on weight loss tips are the keys to enjoying any holiday dinner, and you shouldn't feel as though you have to deny yourself your favorite foods this year. Just watch what goes on your plate, and watch how it is cooked.

Turkey, for example, is low in fat and high in protein. Eaten without the skin and only a smattering of gravy, it provides a delicious base for a holiday meal. Better yet, leave off the gravy altogether, it's good enough on it own! Add some steamed vegetables and a cup of sweet potato with a dash of cinnamon (without the butter, it's fat free!), and you have quite the feast. Of course, don't deny yourself a sliver of pie, but be prepared to burn off those calories. At halftime, bundled up for a short walk. Even if you go around the block just once, it burns off more energy than you would just sitting in front of the television. Or, why not establish a new tradition with the family with a game of backyard football? You get your exercise, you bond with family. Everbody wins at this game.

Vigilance and motivation can help beat the weight gain blues over the holidays. Eat, drink and be merry, but also be active.


Credit to Kathryn Lively

NB: For more valuable information and guideline visit: Weight Loss

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How to Lose Weight Through Exercise

There’s always a first time for everything, Lossing Weight is not exceptional. The question in today’s Weight loss Tips - reiVRE Hot Pulse is – "Can you get on the road to take action right away?"

You can definitely shed some pounds by utilizing these inexpensive weight loss exercises, but they must be used in combination with good nutrition to get to a healthier body.

Every time one turns on the television or browses the internet, there is a bombardment of weight loss tips, scams and tricks. Because of advertisement, people believe that weight loss can come in the form of a pill or surgery. Pills are often just dangerous caffeine dosages in an attempt to curve hunger. Surgery though it is technically a fat removal, carries with it dangerous risks and does not improve the condition of one's heart or muscles.

Watching what one is consuming is definitely an EXCELLENT start to a weight loss program. There is no question at all about that. But in order to build muscle and get the heart in the best shape possible, exercise is needed.

There are several weight loss exercise regimes one may follow to maximize payback and get rapid weight loss results. None of them are as simple as taking a pill or scheduling a surgery, but with today's technological advancements as far as equipment and body output monitoring, the easiest route to physical fitness can be achieved quite easily.

The key to a healthy weights loss and trim body is balance. One must balance nutrition with aerobics and strength training in order to achieve the ideal result. However, this does not mean never eating junk again or performing grueling labor in a hated exercise program. Good nutrition can be achieved through a bit of knowledge and a bit of self control. I know that I cannot live without a piece of chocolate here and there. Half of a Hershey's Bar once a month is not going to destroy my physical fitness goals. It is all about balancing the things I eat and limiting myself to as little junk food as possible.

Jogging is a fantastic way to lose weight through exercise. Not only does it get the blood flowing, promote flexibility, and get the heart pumping, but it also builds muscle mass in one's legs.

Swimming is an alternative to jogging for those physically unable to jog. Swimming is very, very low impact and it works a variety of muscle groups. This is a great choice for the elderly or injured to keep circulation up and build muscle mass.

Bicycling is a fun way to shed pounds while getting some fresh air. Be sure, before engaging on a bicycle journey, that you have a comfortable sear, properly working brakes, and the proper bike for you. This can be a little dangerous and is not a good choice for those with disabilities or movement-impairing diseases.

Power Walking is a safer alternative to bicycling for those looking to get an effective cardiovascular workout and shedding a few pounds. Power walking can be a fun exercise if you can get a few friends to do it with you. Good conversation always makes a bit of exercise go faster.

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Unfortunately, all of the aforementioned exercise methods do not apply to those with movement-impairing diseases. For those that are disabled or cannot strain muscles, losing weight can be a daunting task and gaining muscle is a far fetched fantasy. For these people, I would recommend a combination of resistance, isometrics and breathing (deep, slow and rhythmic). Because this can be done while sitting down or laying on the floor, it is ideal for those who have difficulty leaving the house and getting around.

Remember, you can definitely shed some pounds by utilizing these inexpensive weight loss exercises, but they must be used in combination with good nutrition to get to a healthier body. Commit yourself to a time (however brief... as little as thirty minutes will do the trick) every day to devote to making your body stronger and healthier.


Credit to Ellen Weight Loss Exercise or Exercise DVD

NB: For more valuable information and guideline visit: Weight Loss

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Facts You Need About Weight Loss Motivation

There’s always a first time for everything, Lossing Weight is not exceptional. The question in today’s Weight loss Tips - reiVRE Hot Pulse is – "How will you know about successful weight loss diets?"

When you truly consider the weight-loss process, the battle waged is mostly in your mind. "Should I eat the corn muffin with butter or would it be better for me to have margarine or better yet, have jelly? What am I doing eating this muffin anyway? It's so caloric and filled with saturated fat. I'm such a pig. I have absolutely zero willpower." It's no wonder you'll eat that muffin with the butter and slather jelly on top to quiet that negative self-talk.

What you need more than a diet is a way to shift those negative self-defeating thoughts to more realistic, positive self-statements. As with most things worth doing, this requires some practice. First, become aware when you're using a negative statement, then determine what about that thought is faulty and finally, replace it with a self-defense response or coping thought. In the corn muffin example, instead of listening to "I'm such a pig" which clearly mislabels who you are, respond with "Pigs are animals and I am human. I don't have to be perfect."

Many people can't change their eating habits until they change their thoughts about food, eating and drinking. By shedding "distorted" thoughts and replacing them with productive ones, eating habits can be changed. It is possible to rid yourself from many self-critical thoughts, but like any ingrained habit, it takes vigor and vigilance to change. Here are some other thinking distortions to challenge:

Shoulds. Should statements are more about other people's values, not ones chosen by the person who wants to lose weight. Additionally, should statements reflect an attempt by the dieter to motivate herself without really believing in the value. Better to determine what works for you. "I will eat up to two Hershey kisses daily and thoroughly enjoy them."

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All or Nothing. This kind of reasoning is the foundation for perfectionism. An all or nothing individual views the world as black or white. Since there is no allowance for gray areas, the behavior is either perfect or a failure. "I've ruined my diet by eating all that pizza. I can't stay on a diet and I'll just always be fat." Maybe the problem does not arise from the behavior? maybe the problem is with the diet that does not allow for pizza. "I do not want to give pizza up for the rest of my life, so what I need is a way to include pizza in my diet without feeling like a failure. Let me try having a salad (dressing on the side) before the pizza to take the edge off my hunger."

Good Foods/Bad Foods. If the truth be told, foods are not bad. In fact, foods are not good or bad. While it is true that some foods have more nutrients or are more fiber-dense than others, all foods can be enjoyed. How we think about food colors what we eat and how much we eat. If a food is labeled as bad (such as fries), then for many individuals that food is taboo. When one eventually succumbs to eating the forbidden, French fries, bingeing may result. Rather than continue with dichotomous thinking of good food/bad food, shift to allow space for all foods you like without judgement. Instead of "I ate those fries which are so bad for me" to "I really enjoyed that small portion of fries. They really satisfied me."

Body Distortions. Rather than dwelling on how fat or thin you think your body is, it is extremely helpful to view your body in terms of what it can do for you. For example, when you look in the mirror, instead of zooming in on your stomach which "looks five months pregnant, although your last baby was nine years ago" tell yourself "my body has given life" or "my body enables me to go where I want to and allows me to have fun."

The conversations that are going on inside your head cannot be stopped. However, what you can do is to be aware of negative self-talk and understand that it has little to do with actual reality. When you believe this, you can respond to the critical voice with a more objective, coping thought. Although negative thoughts may not be stopped entirely, they can be quieted by listening to your compassionate, caring voice. In much the same way you would sympathize and listen to a close friend, listen to yourself. Be your own best friend and chances are you'll have greater weight loss success.


Credit to M.D. Robinson

NB: For more valuable information and guideline visit: Weight Loss Tips

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Monday, June 9, 2008

How to Break Through a Weight Loss !

There’s always a first time for everything, Breaking through a Weight Loss is not exceptional. The question in today’s Weight loss Tips - reiVRE Hot Pulse is – "Is It true that Every day meals are based on a source of lean protein, carbs, and healthy fats?"

It is believed that the best way to lose and maintain weight loss is by selecting a diet that provides sustainable nutrition and also a diet plan depending on a persons potential to reduce weight and according to their choice and temperaments.

It is not true that one size fits all. We are all individuals and what is right for one person may definitely be wrong for another.

These following diets are recommended by nutrition experts and most importantly, by the people that have successfully used them.

Cabbage Soup Diet

The Soup Diet, as it is commonly referred to, contains negligible calories and is based on a fat burning process. This quick weight loss diet consist on a combination of foods that almost force you to starve everyday although you are allowed to consume all the water and cabbage soup you want and a very restricted set of other foods.

The cabbage soup diet has a 7 days diet plan losing 10 to 15 pounds. This plan includes a variety of low calorie vegetables like cabbage, onions, and tomatoes, flavored with bouillon, onion soup mix, and tomato juice.
Each day has specific foods including potatoes, fruit juice, many vegetables, and on a single day, beef.

In day one you can eat only fruit, any fruit you want except banana and as much soup as you like. Drink only unsweetened tea, black coffee, cranberry juice, and water.
For day two stay away from dry beans, peas, and sweet corn but you can eat fresh, raw, or cooked vegetables. For dinner eat a big baked potato with butter for your satisfaction. Of course as much soup as you like, but no fruit.

In day three combine days one and two but no baked potato.
Day four is supposed to reword your desire for sweets, so eat eight bananas and drink as many glasses of skim milk as you would like. Dont forget your soup!

In day five you may have 300 to 500g of beef (10 to 20 ounces) and up to six fresh tomatoes. If you want you can change the beef with boiled fish or baked chicken. It is recommended to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water to wash the uric acid from your body. Eat your soup at least once this day.

In day six eat beef and vegetables and two or three steaks with fresh vegetables or salad but no baked potato. Eat your soup at least once today.

This final day you can eat all you want of brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices, and vegetables, of course, eat at least your soup once and no bread, alcohol, or carbonated beverages, not even diet soda.

Medifast is a weight loss plan using meal replacements AND real food. The program has been prescribed by doctors especially for obese people.
Medifast comes with a 5 and 1 plan and is made up of 5 meal replacements per day - generally shakes, but also bars, soups, oatmeal, and puddings.

One meal per day contains a small portion of lean meat, and up to 2 cups of salad or vegetables. The eating periods are at every 2 to 3 hours and you must drink a minimum of 64oz of water per day.
The 5 and 1 plan is a vast improvement on some of their previous programs and although it is not a very low calorie diet, you can loss 2 to 5 pounds per week.

Another very popular diet is called 3 Hour Diet and is a book written by fitness author Jorge Cruise The 3 Hour Diet How Low-Carb Diets Make You Fat and Timing Makes You Thin
The basic premise of the 3 Hour Diet is to eat a meal every 3 hours. The main idea is to increase metabolism, and to help maintain consistent energy levels throughout the day.

Jorge Cruise recommends exercise, 8 minutes every day!
Every day meals are based on a source of lean protein, carbs, and healthy fats and the various fast food and frozen food. The calorie amounts of the suggested daily meals amount to 1450 calories per day. The 3 Hour Diet is heavy on processed food, which can be of questionable nutritional value.

What is a GI diet?

Foods with a high GI value cause a rapid rise in blood sugar. This can often leave you feeling hungry within a short time, and will often result in eating a snack. If this pattern is repeated often, you will gain weight by constantly overeating.

Diets based on low GI value encourage you to avoid eating foods with a high GI value and it helps to prevent swings in blood sugar, helping you feel fuller longer. Most GI diets recommend reducing fat and especially saturated fats.

The Glycemic Impact Diet is an excellent diet because it takes the best from other diets like South Beach and the Zone and combines them with easy to follow advice.


Credit to john savage Click Here

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NB: For more valuable information and guideline visit: Weight Loss Tips

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